Mobile App & Web Development | E-Commerce | Startup | SkillMasters App

Serving 5 American Professional Soccer League clubs, SkillMasters provides personalized mental and performance training for youth athletes!

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Mobile App & Web Development | E-Commerce | Startup | StaalX

The leading steel trading marketplace in the US!

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Your AI fitness program generator whether you're a daredevil ahtlete or on the brink of starting your fitness journey!

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Mobile App & Web Development | E-Commerce | Startup | Inodash Web App

Inodash - The ultimate innovation dashboard for entrepreneurs!

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Sprongo App | Mobile App & Web Development | E-Commerce | Startup

#1 Sports Video Analysis tool in the US: Sprongo!

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Your favorite recipe to an online grocery order, instantly!

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PriceMatch App | Mobile App & Web Development | E-Commerce | Startup

Who will be the winnner of our exhilarating PriceMatch game?

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Cekpara App | Mobile App & Web Development | E-Commerce | Startup

Cash your check digitally with the smartest Fintech app Çek Para, your digital check wallet!

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Mobile App & Web Development | E-Commerce | Startup | HobeeMatch App

Who would be closer to being your soulmate than your HobeeMatch?

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Mobile App & Web Development | E-Commerce | Startup | EattKitt App

Are you ready to start your healthy transformation with Eattkit?

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Mobile App & Web Development | E-Commerce | Startup | Widio

Sell your apartment/car with a short "Widio" today!

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Your hot coffee waiting for you exactly when you arrive!

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Startup TroopTravel desktop screen

"I live in Rotterdam, my girlfriend lives in Dubai, where do we meet?

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Featured Smartup Wellness Global facilitates last mile deliveries in Seattle! Coming to Miami, LA and Austin soon!

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Startup BaseChat three orange mobile app screens 350,000 users

Featured “Smartup” BaseChatGold has reached 350,000 users in Germany!

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Startup Pegasis online 3 mobile app

Would you like to look gorgeous by having a qualified, selected expert in Johannesburg tailor a nice suit for you?

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Panicless app | Smartup Network | Startup

Panicless is here to help over 3,000,000 panic attack sufferers!

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African Startup eCampus Desktop 100,000 courses taken

AI supported eCampus to improve the education standard of African youth!

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Startup Zula Afrika three mobile app screen 6000 route

Zula Afrika, powered by Smartup Network, becomes an efficient way of transportation in Johannesburg!

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Startup Traigoclub with desktop screen ecuador

Launched in June 2019, 100 products were ordered from Traigo Club in the first 3 days after the site was live!

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Smartup Network is a team of entrepreneurs that have experience in building, raising funds and selling startups. Our mission is to support entrepreneurs with bright ideas who don't have the proper team to turn their ideas into products. Our three main areas of expertise are:

We build their products for entrepreneurs whether they are at idea stage or post-MVP stage.

Product Management
We work alongside entrepreneurs to find the ideal product user experience for their target markets.

Finding Investment
Once our entrepreneurs' products begin showing traction, we get them in contact with the right investors.

So far, we have had the opportunity to build startup 35 products in 16 countries, for entrepreneurs from all over the world including San Francisco, Seattle, Amsterdam, Berlin, Dusseldorf, Copenhagen, Dubai, Johannesburg, Accra, Quito and Istanbul. You can find some of the latest successes of our entrepreneurs' apps through this link. Smartup Network partners with well known startup hubs all over the world. Including but not limited to, Switzerland based Seedstars, which supports startups in developing countries, Boston New Technology Group in the United States and Impact Hub Istanbul, the world-renowned startup hub for social entrepreneurs. Startup experts from all over the world such as. Trivago founder and CEO Rolf Schrömgens and Sina Afra, who was named One of Top 100 Most Influential Tech People in the world by Wired Magazine. Our goal is to support as many entrepreneurs as possible realize their dreams.

Smartup Network
Technical Partner For Your Startup