The Opportunity to Create Your Own Mobile App and Website: Stepping into the Digital World

Berkay Köylü

Marketing Specialist Assistant

The Opportunity to Create Your Own Mobile App and Website: Stepping into the Digital World!

Social media accounts and various online content offer spaces where a brand can express itself and engage with users. But do these platforms leave a lasting impact on users? Or does the brand become more than just a fleeting memory for the consumer? These questions are debatable, of course. However, one thing we know for sure is that the effect created by a mobile app and a website leaves a lasting impression on the end user.

A website and a mobile app are the two fundamental needs to strengthen your presence in the digital world. A website allows you to create spaces where you can talk about yourself to users, and more importantly, it helps you get to know your users better. This enables you to turn them into potential customers and create new opportunities for your brand. Mobile apps, on the other hand, are excellent at ensuring customer loyalty and maintaining continuous engagement. In other words, while a website helps you reach a broad audience, a mobile app enhances the loyalty of that audience.

Your mobile app and website are directly related to how users perceive you. A well-designed, user-friendly interface, fast access, and easy navigation create a positive user experience. With mobile apps, you can maintain constant interaction with your users and build customer loyalty. This makes it easier to create a sustainable and loyal customer base.

A website and mobile app can be the cornerstones of your digital marketing strategy. By enhancing your website with SEO (Search Engine Optimization), you make it easier for customers to find you. This strategy not only increases brand awareness but also grows your user base.

With mobile app notifications, you can instantly share campaigns and special offers with users, keeping them informed.

The opportunity to create your own mobile app and website is one of the most important steps in bringing your business into the digital world. This process can increase brand visibility, strengthen customer loyalty, and support your marketing strategy. With the right planning and collaboration, you can establish a strong presence in the digital world.


Smartup Network is a team of entrepreneurs that have experience in building, raising funds and selling startups. Our mission is to support entrepreneurs with bright ideas who don't have the proper team to turn their ideas into products. Our three main areas of expertise are:

We build their products for entrepreneurs whether they are at idea stage or post-MVP stage.

Product Management
We work alongside entrepreneurs to find the ideal product user experience for their target markets.

Finding Investment
Once our entrepreneurs' products begin showing traction, we get them in contact with the right investors.

So far, we have had the opportunity to build startup 35 products in 16 countries, for entrepreneurs from all over the world including San Francisco, Seattle, Amsterdam, Berlin, Dusseldorf, Copenhagen, Dubai, Johannesburg, Accra, Quito and Istanbul. You can find some of the latest successes of our entrepreneurs' apps through this link. Smartup Network partners with well known startup hubs all over the world. Including but not limited to, Switzerland based Seedstars, which supports startups in developing countries, Boston New Technology Group in the United States and Impact Hub Istanbul, the world-renowned startup hub for social entrepreneurs. Startup experts from all over the world such as. Trivago founder and CEO Rolf Schrömgens and Sina Afra, who was named One of Top 100 Most Influential Tech People in the world by Wired Magazine. Our goal is to support as many entrepreneurs as possible realize their dreams.

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